Hi Friends here in this video i will show you Google Go App Review and How to Use Google Go App in Hindi. You can see that the Google Go homepage offers so many different features and apps. The Search feature is of course for classic Google search. When you tap and Search, you’ll be shown the current top trending search phrases. Tap one of these phrases to see its search results, or type in whatever you’d like to search, and tap Go. The Voice Search feature is quite similar, but allows you to say what you want to search out loud so you don’t have to type it. When you’re browsing a website, you can have Google Go read text out loud, so you don’t have to read it. Tap the Play button at the bottom of your screen while browsing a web page to make use of this feature. You’ll see the text lighting up karaoke-style at the bottom of your screen as Google Go reads to you. Tap this area to access playback controls to Pause, Rewind, or Fast Forward. Tap the Stop button if you want to stop Google Go reading out loud. Please subscribe my Channel:-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGHLo6nrTSuRu9uhmc_7gRA?sub_confirmation=1 #techadvice #googleapp #go #newfeatures