Extract text or numbers from a string in Google Sheets


In this article, I will show you totally different approach of extracting numbers, text, any specific character from strings in Google Sheets. We'll primarily use the REGEXREPLACE function, this one use for replace / extract a range of characters from your data range.

In Google Sheets, there are several functions that can be used to extract text or numbers from a string of text. These functions can be especially useful when working with large amounts of data and need to extract specific information from it. In this blog post, we'll go over some of the most commonly used functions for extracting text or numbers from a string in Google Sheets.

The first function we'll discuss is the LEFT function. The LEFT function allows you to extract a certain number of characters from the beginning of a string. For example, if you have a string "Hello World!" and you want to extract the first five characters, "Hello", you would use the formula =LEFT("Hello World!", 5). This will return "Hello".

The next function is the RIGHT function, which works similarly to the LEFT function but extracts characters from the end of a string instead. For example, if you have a string "Hello World!" and you want to extract the last five characters, "World!", you would use the formula =RIGHT("Hello World!", 5). This will return "World!".

The MID function can be used to extract a specific number of characters from a string, starting from a specific position. For example, if you have a string "Hello World!" and you want to extract the third, fourth, and fifth characters, "llo", you would use the formula =MID("Hello World!", 3, 3). This will return "llo".

The FIND function can be used to locate a specific substring within a larger string. For example, if you have a string "Hello World!" and you want to find the position of the word "World", you would use the formula =FIND("World", "Hello World!"). This will return 7, indicating that the word "World" starts at the seventh character of the string.

The REGEXEXTRACT function allows you to extract specific parts of a string using regular expressions. For example, if you have a string "Hello World! 123" and you want to extract the numbers at the end of the string, you would use the formula =REGEXEXTRACT("Hello World! 123", "\d+$"). This will return "123".

To extract text from a string in Google Sheets, use the REGEXREPLACE function, the example is like this: =REGEXREPLACE(A3,"[^[:alpha:]]", "")

To extract numbers from a string in Google Sheets, use the REGEXREPLACE function, the example is like this: =VALUE(REGEXREPLACE(A3,"[^[:digit:]]", ""))

Now Here is the Formula for Extract in Google Sheets.

Extract the numbers into different columns : 


Extract text into different columns


Extract "N" no of character start at the "N" no of Character from a String


Extract the remaining characters start at the "N" no of Character from a String


Extract the number from a string

=VALUE(REGEXREPLACE(A3,"[^[:digit:]]", ""))

Extract text from a string

=REGEXREPLACE(A3,"[^[:alpha:]]", "")

Remove punctuation

=REGEXREPLACE(A3,"[[:punct:]]", "")

Extracts character before a suffix


=LEFT(A3, SEARCH("Code",A3)-1)

Extract initial word / name from a string


=LEFT(A3,FIND(" ",A3)-1)

Extract initial character from a string


Extract last name from a string

=RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","*",LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))

Extract "N" no of word

=INDEX(SPLIT(A3, " "),1)

Extract "N" of characters from the left / right of a string


The above functions are some of the most commonly used functions for extracting text or numbers from a string in Google Sheets. These functions can be very useful when working with large amounts of data and need to extract specific information from it. Keep in mind that, these functions are just the tip of the iceberg, and you can always use formulas and functions in google sheets to extract information as per your requirement.

In conclusion, extracting text or numbers from a string in Google Sheets is a fairly straightforward process thanks to the various functions available. By using the functions discussed in this blog post, you can easily extract specific information from a string of text and use it to make data-driven decisions.

For Many Others Extract Function Please visit this page

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